



Característica #200


b6m take too much time to draw links

Afegit per Pau Escrich fa aproximadament 12 anys. Actualitzat fa més de 11 anys.

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B6m takes a long time to draw all links when the network is large.
As far I understand b6m has all the nodes information before the user ask for it, so it is not on-demand.
According to that I don't understand why it is taking so much time to draw the map.

I would like to propose a model between static and dynamic map. B6m should store the lat state somewhere in the memory.
And the topology is updated only when the user open the map tool.

I'm not sure if this is a problem, a new feature, or just a configuration issue from my side.
Sorry if this is the last case.

Actions #1

Actualitzat per Simó Albert i Beltran fa aproximadament 12 anys

  • Estat ha canviat de Nou a En progrés
  • Assignat a s'ha establert a Simó Albert i Beltran
  • Prioritat ha canviat de Normal a Alta

Firstly, thanks for your feedback.

I am working in startup performance. I assume this ticket is for this issue.

If you would want another feature to render the static map, please open a new ticket.

Thanks again.

Actions #2

Actualitzat per Simó Albert i Beltran fa més de 11 anys

  • Estat ha canviat de En progrés a Resolt
  • % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 100

Aplicat en el conjunt de canvis fac37a26849ace9c362686b61273eeaa640f8a80.

Actions #3

Actualitzat per Simó Albert i Beltran fa més de 11 anys

Aplicat en el conjunt de canvis fac37a26849ace9c362686b61273eeaa640f8a80.


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