Error #361
tancatTL WR-842ND-v2: The default flash has wan and lan swapped.
I got an image built for the WR-842ND-v2 and so far we are good. Hopefully I can get some time to submit a patch to setup the eth0 and eth1 correctly. The default flash has wan and lan swapped. Eth0 is wan and Eth1 is lan.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 9 anys
- Estat ha canviat de Nou a Resolt
See commit 10990f41. Added a hook for this device setting the default eth0 and eth1 roles as wan and lan, respectively.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 9 anys
- Estat ha canviat de Resolt a Tancat
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 9 anys
I found an error in this file:
#!/bin/sh- Stage = [birth|firstboot|anyboot|preconf|postconf]
[ "$STAGE" == "birth" ] && {
echo "Configuring network for TL-WR842N[D]-v2"
uci set qmp.interfaces.lan_devices="eth1"
uci set qmp.interfaces.lan_devices="eth0"
uci commit qmp
uci set qmp.interfaces.lan_devices="eth0" should be uci set qmp.interfaces.wan_devices="eth0"
This relates to issue #361.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 9 anys
See commit 336d26484edb211d29ccc07dd350088afbb27165