



Error #460


qMp autoconfiguration script does not autoconfigure the wireless interfaces

Added by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
2:00 h
Spent time:


BusyBox v1.28.3 () built-in shell (ash)

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt 18.06.1, r7258-5eb055306f

                 __ _  /\/\  _ __  
                / _` |/    \| '_ \ 
               | (_| / /\/\ \ |_) |
                \__, \/    \/ .__/ 
                   |_|      |_|    

                quick MESH project
 qMp testing Neumann (branch testing rev.c0bde1a-20180916-1124)
root@qMp-85d4:~# tail /etc/config/qmp 
    option lan_ula_prefix48 'fd00:1714:1714'
    option publish_lan '1'
    option bmx6_ripe_prefix48 '2012:0:0'

config qmp 'wireless'
    option driver 'mac80211'
    option country 'US'
    option bssid '02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE'
    option mrate '6000'

Actions #1

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago

root@qMp-85d4:~# cat qmp_autoconf.log 
Starting qmp configuration...
Waiting 10 seconds to be sure all is configured
[Preparing wifi]
Using countrycode US
WiFi devices:
wlan0 ESSID: "OpenWrt" Access Point: DC:9F:DB:8E:85:D4 Mode: Master Channel: 36 (5.180 GHz) Tx-Power: 27 dBm Link Quality: unknown/70 Signal: unknown Noise: -91 dBm Bit Rate: unknown Encryption: none Type: nl80211 HW Mode(s): 802.11an Hardware: 168C:002A 0777:E805 [Ubiquiti Bullet M5] TX power offset: 5 dB Frequency offset: none Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy0
[Configuring initial system]
Backuping wireless config file to: /etc/config/wireless.qmp_backup

Done: all WiFi devices configured
Starting smart networking configuration
Network devices found:
- LAN  eth0
- MESH  eth0 eth1
- WAN eth1
[Configuring full system]
Command failed: Not found
qMp: Configuring /etc/hosts file with qmpadmin entry
uci: Entry not found
Cannot get IP or HostName
qMp: Disabling service b6m-spread
stopped process in pidfile '/var/run/' (pid 2720)
qMp: Enabling service gwck
qMp: Enabling service mdns
-> preparing bmx6
INFO  uci_create_section: bmx6.cfg0e5cb5=syncSms
INFO  uci_save_option: bmx6.cfg0e5cb5.syncSms=mdns
INFO  uci_save_option: bmx6.cfg0e5cb5.syncSms=mdns
INFO  : --syncSms                 mdns                          
-> adding addn-host entry to dnsmasq config file
-> restarting dnsmasq daemon
Command failed: Not found
udhcpc: started, v1.28.3
udhcpc: sending discover
udhcpc: no lease, failing
-> cleaning files
-> publishing own IPv4 domains: qMp-85d4.qmp
-> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-85d4.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

-> not published domains found in the network
qMp: Enabling service netserver
qMp: Disabling service netserver
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_INET6
qMp: Enabling service munin
Munin already running
Configuring networking
qMp: Removing current network configuration
Configuring eth1 in WAN mode
Attaching device eth1 to interface wan_e1
 -> eth1 attached to wan_e1
qMp: Adding TCP ClampMSS rule for eth1
qMp: Adding TCP ClampMSS rule for eth1
Setting up DHCP server in LAN interface
Configuring LAN bridge
Attaching device eth0 to interface lan
 -> eth0 attached to lan bridge
Configuring eth0 for Meshing
device eth0 is in viface lan
Setting VLAN 12 for interface eth0
VLAN 12 for interface eth0 is of type 802.1ad (QinQ)
qmp_get_ip6_slow addr_prefix=fd02:0:0::/128 addr=fd02:0:0:: mask=128
qmp_get_ip6_slow addr_prefix=2002::112/128 addr=2002::112 mask=128
Configuring FD02:0:0:DC9F:DB8F:85D4:0:112/128 for bmx6
Configuring eth1 for Meshing
device eth1 is in viface wan_e1
Setting VLAN 12 for interface eth1
VLAN 12 for interface eth1 is of type 802.1ad (QinQ)
qmp_get_ip6_slow addr_prefix=fd02:0:0::/128 addr=fd02:0:0:: mask=128
qmp_get_ip6_slow addr_prefix=2002::212/128 addr=2002::212 mask=128
Configuring FD02:0:0:DC9F:DB8F:85D4:0:212/128 for bmx6
Configuring interface eth0 in BMX6
Configuring interface eth1 in BMX6
qMp: Configuring gateway inet6_offer of type offer
qMp: Configuring gateway inet4_offer of type offer
qMp: Configuring gateway cloud of type search
qMp: Configuring gateway cloud6 of type search
qMp: Configuring gateway community of type search
uci: Invalid argument
qMp: Configuring gateway community6 of type search
uci: Invalid argument
qMp: Starting ULA LAN configuration
Configuring fd00:1714:1714:85d4::1/64 as LAN ULA address
Publishing fd00:1714:1714:85d4::/64 over the mesh network
INFO  : --dev                    -
INFO  : --unicastHna              fd00:1714:1714:85d4::/64      
INFO  : --tunIn                  -
INFO  : --tunIn                  -
INFO  : --tunOut                  inet6                         
INFO  : --tunOut                  inet6                           /network                 ::/0                          
INFO  : --tunOut                 -
INFO  : --tunOut                 -
qMp: Configuring /etc/hosts file with qmpadmin entry
qMp: Enabling service netserver
qMp: Disabling service netserver
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_INET6
Actions #2

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
  • Priority changed from Urgent to Alta
  • Status changed from Nou to En progrés

Tested on the same device with a newly compiled image; wireless interface came up successfully.

Actions #3

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 10 to 20

Tested on a PC Engines APU, radio turns on as expected.

Actions #4

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from En progrés to Resolt
  • % Done changed from 20 to 100

Tested a few devices, no problems found.

Actions #5

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolt to Tancat

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