BMX7 Project acceppted in GSOC 2019
Automate encrypted tunnel setups over entrusted BMX7 links using WireGuard
The objective of this project is to combine the current cryptographic stack of BMX7 with the one used by WireGuard. The process via which this will be achieved will be iterative; meaning that first binary calls from bmx7 to userland WG will be introduced, afterwards the efforts will be centered in the creation of a new plugin implementing WireGuard routing by using part of the existing cryptographic primitives and at last the effort to combine the tunnel plugin with the WG one.
BMX7 offers plugins which are used for the distribution of small files, settings up tunnels or offer stats of the network structure. Currently the connection between a client node and the gateway are established via IPIP (IPv4/6 over IPv6), which is unencrypted and therefore possibly readable by attackers. As mesh networks usually operate on unencrypted wireless connections, the attack vector is considerably big.
The detail that distinguishes our approach’s difficulty from hard to medium is cryptographic keys. It’s simpler to announce new public keys for WireGuard and have a separate plugin than replacing the existing BMX7 keys to allow signing of descriptive updates and encryption of traffic.
Further details on this project can be found here: