



WBMv8 endorsement

Afegit per Axel Neumann fa aproximadament 10 anys

The "Wireless Battle of the Mesh" is an event that aims to bring
together people from across the globe to discuss and test advances, features and performance of different tools and technology for mesh networking!

This year, version 8 of the event will take place from 03-09 August 2015 in Maribor, Slowenia

The BMX6 team endorses and supports the Battle of the Mesh v8 because of
the efforts made by its community to advance the field of wireless and community mesh
networking and foster the development of grass-roots DIY networks.

The BMX6 project will support the event by:
  • coming to the event and convince others to do the same
  • help to set up test cases and analyse measurement results
  • report about advancement of our protocol and it's usage in communities

Many other communities endorse and support the Wireless Battle of The
Mesh, an up to date list of the endorsers of the Battlemesh v8 can be
found at the main Battlemesh website: .

WBMv7 endorsement

Afegit per Axel Neumann fa més de 11 anys

The "Wireless Battle of the Mesh" is an event that aims to bring
together people from across the globe to test the performance of
different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel,
B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s. Of course, new protocols (working
on OpenWRT) are always welcome!

This year, version 7 of the event will take place from Monday 12th till
Sunday 18th of May at the sublab ( in Leipzig, Germany.

The BMX6 team endorses and supports the Battle of the Mesh v7 because of
the efforts made by its community to advance the field of wireless mesh
networking and foster the development of grassroots community networks.

The BMX6 project will support the event by:
  • coming to the event and convince others to do the same
  • help to set up the testbed and analyze measurement results
  • assist in setting up bmx6 for participating in the battle
  • give talks about advancement of our protocol and it's usage in communities

Many other communities endorse and support the Wireless Battle of The
Mesh v7, an up to date list of the endorsers of the Battlemesh v7 can be
found at the main Battlemesh website: .


Afegit per Axel Neumann fa més de 11 anys

Presentation at IS4CWN 2013, Berlin about:

BMX6 Mesh Routing Protocol
Reclaim Your Mesh – Self-paced Networking in Multilateral Environments

BMX6, the successor of BatMan-eXperimental, is a mesh routing protocol for community networks. Having learned from the shortcomings of commonly used protocols such as OLSR, Babel, and Batman, this relatively young protocol incorporates fundamentally new architectural concepts and mechanisms to address the challenges of wireless community networks. After a short introduction, this presentation will briefly outline BMX6 concepts to address related aspects such as scalability, heterogeneity, performance, self-configuration, and even trust and security. Further, performance measurements based on emulation and community experimentation (e.g. during Wireless Battle Mesh) will be summarized and experiences gathered from real community deployments will be discussed.


Analysis of the BMX6 routing protocol

Afegit per Glenn Daneels fa més de 11 anys

Title: Analysis of the BMX6 routing protocol
Author: Glenn Daneels

This thesis investigates the BMX6 protocol which is a distance-vector routing protocol especially designed for mesh networks. Due to its novelty, the BMX6 protocol is not standardized or properly documented yet. However, interesting features like the optimized way of communicating and the possibility to add extensions to the protocol, make BMX6 a very promising protocol.
This thesis will provide a documentation on the protocol. The key features of the protocol are discussed, as is the function of each frame and the interaction with other frames. Each frame structure is visually shown and the function of every field is explained. Other aspects, e.g. all the possible options are included, some technical aspects for installment and the use of the protocol are touched. This thesis also provides other researchers, who want to further analyze the source code, essential knowledge about some key internal processes of the protocol.
As there are already large community networks like that are using BMX6 and also other types of mesh networks are becoming more popular, analyzing its performance against other used protocols like OLSR is crucial. Therefore, 4 different types of experiments were executed for both BMX6 and OLSR in function of the topology size: the start-up of a network, the steady state of the network, adding a new node to the network and adding of new link to the network. BMX6 showed better results on the 4 different types of experiments than OLSR. Especially from the steady state experiment results, it is clear that the optimized communication scheme in BMX6 is protocol overhead efficient and that the protocol scales better than OLSR.

Promotor: Pr. Dr. C. Blondia
Supervisor: Dr. Bart Braem


Overhead Measurements from WCW 2013 Berlin

Afegit per Axel Neumann fa més de 11 anys

Several routing protocols (OLSR, Babel, Batman-adv, and BMX6) have been tested in a temporary wireless testbed at the Wireless Community Weekend 2013 in Berlin [1]
The testbed consisted of ~20 TPlink nodes configured with the same system as used during the WirelessBattleMesh (WBM v6) in Aalborg [2]
For the test one node moved around the side and measured the overhead produced by each protocol with tcpdump.

A graphical overview of the measured overhead is available here:
and showing BMX6 as the protocol with the lowest overhead.


BMX6, OLSR, and Babel; Evaluation on ...

Afegit per Roger Baig Viñas fa més de 11 anys

Title: Evaluation of Dynamic Routing Protocols on Realistic Wireless Topologies

Routing protocols analysed: BMX6, OLSR, and Babel

Community Networks are consolidating themselves as a valid model to extend the edges of the Internet. As a result of efforts to overcome specific problems in this new model, communities have developed very interesting ideas and solutions in many fields. Nevertheless, the research community has so far paid marginal attention to them. As a consequence, not only is there a lack of references evaluating the performance of the routing protocols for IPv6 in real-life scenarios, but other interesting proposals such as BatMan-eXperimental version 6 (BMX6) remain completely unstudied.

The routing protocol selection is one of the most critical choices any community must make prior to any hardware deployment, in the delicate moment when the community is just starting to form. In our opinion, in such cases, an exhaustive evaluation of the performance of the available routing protocols would ease this selection process.

In an effort to contribute in this direction, this dissertation first analyses the topology and link characteristics of a well-known Community Network ( In a second step, this new knowledge is used to parametrise an emulation environment in order to reflect relevant attributes of a real wireless CN and to study the performance (in terms of protocol overhead and convergence time) of the Babel, BMX6 and OLSR routing protocols for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

Supervisor: Daniel Riera

External collaborators: Axel Neumann, Ester López


BMX6 receiver-driven routing published at IEEE HotMesh 2013

Afegit per Axel Neumann fa més de 11 anys

Our motivation and ideas for enhancing the BMX6 routing protocol to support node-individual routing, trust, and security metrics have been presented at the HotMesh 2013 Workshop during the IEEE WoWMoM Conference in Madrid/Spain.

The full paper is available here:

Abstract—Community wireless mesh networks are decentralized and cooperative structures with participation rules that define their freedom, openness and neutrality. The operation of these networks require routing algorithms that may impose additional unnecessary technical restrictions in the determination of routes that can restrict the freedom of community users. We propose a receiver-driven discretionary routing mechanism
where each receiver (the intended destination of the packet) can freely specify delivery objectives and remain compatible with the collaborative approach of community networks. Each node has a unique identifier and can announce the description of its offer and also the description of its routing policy with preferences to deliver traffic to it. BMX6 provides a ”hash-based profile propagation mechanism” to disseminate descriptions. This receiver-driven routing can be applied to express preferences for desirable nodes and paths, or to restrict traffic to trusted nodes enabling trust and security aware routing. We validate our contributions with a proof of concept implementation of key concepts, as an extension of the BMX6 routing protocol, that confirms its feasibility and scalability.

Keywords-routing; community mesh networks; metric policies; trust; security;

BMX6 evaluation published at CNBuB 2012

Afegit per Axel Neumann fa més de 12 anys

Neumann, A, López E, Navarro L. 2012. An evaluation of BMX6 for Community Wireless Networks. International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB 2012).

Find the paper here:

Nowadays, a growing number of communities of
citizens build, operate and own open IP-based community wire-
less networks with thousands of low capacity nodes actively
participating in routing the data traffic. This article focuses on
one of their concerns, routing and its scalability, by presenting
BatMan-eXperimental Version 6 (BMX6) and evaluating its
performance. BMX6 is a low overhead and scalable mesh network
routing protocol inspired by human networks. Its performance
is evaluated in comparison with OLSR in terms of overhead
and convergence time as networks grow in number of nodes
and diameter. The results show that the convergence time and
protocol overhead per node in BMX6 is not significantly affected
by the addition of new nodes in contrast with OLSR, where both
parameters can grow super-linearly. This confirms the excellent
scalability of BMX6.


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